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Mike Huckabee: 'The bloggers' 'viciously celebrated' death of Chick-fil-A PR head
If you go over to Huffington Post, you will find a round up of numerous Twitter users blaming gays for killing Chick-fil-A's head of PR:
[Huff Po]
And if you go over to my Twitter wall from Friday, you will see this:
As you might know, I happen to know a few LGBT bloggers. Not one LGBT blogger with any sort of sizable platform "celebrated" Don Perry's death.
But hey, why shouldn't a Republican thought leader, Chick-fil-A crowd stirrer, and onetime presidential candidate slander the LGBT blogger class so that he can make us look like bloodthirsty renegades? Bask in the morality in action:
Character assassination. There is no other way for someone like me, the blogger who is probably most responsible for bringing Dan Cathy's words to light, to look at this. While so fully and deliberately dancing around the very reason why Dan Cathy drummed up this fiasco, Mike Huckabee is trying to assassinate my character. He is quite literally using the airwaves of an SPLC-designated hate group to make people thing that a caricatured version of myself and my fellows is seriously celebrating human demise.
For what it's worth, Mike Huckabee, I'm so much of a hippy dippy peacenick vegetarian that I find your constant "jokes" about millions of chickens being slaughtered today to be downright stomach-churning. But if makes thou feel superior to people like me to outright lie about us and our motivations, then go ahead, I guess. You're going to do it anyway, so why should I try to stop you?
I just hope for your deeply faithful sake, Mike Huckabee, that the whole bearing false witness thing was but a mere suggestion.