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Pro-'immorality' gays incapable of judging, judges Peter LaBarbera

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2012-08-07 At 8.33.29 Am And now here's professional reviler of homosexuality Peter LaBarbera telling the world why an LGBT judge is a non-starter for him and his agenda:

"Being a member of a pro-homosexuality group is not like being a member of a racial group or an ethnicity group; this is being a member of a group that advocates immorality, what has long been regarded as sinful conduct," he asserts. "So, Judge Hall obviously has a conflict of interest. She should do the right thing and recuse herself from this case." [ONN] (Photo: Eduardo González)

Right, Peter. It's never the same thing with us. We are not human beings to you—we are a decades-long salvation mission. We all know how you feel; we just don't care all that much.

But of course an outwardly anti-LGBT judge would not only be okay with Peter—he or she would be a demand, something we see every time a SCOTUS appointment comes. People like Peter defend contempt for homosexuality as being a perfectly fair personal/political position while any and all support is framed as "immoral" advocacy.

It's a sad game, always. But it's the kind of thing that really lays out the patent dissimilarity between the peaceful course forward and the militant attempts to regress us. These are the kind of overplayed hands that are only helping us in the long run.

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