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Today I will: Tell you what lies beneath Focus on the Family's 'soft' tone
Focus on the Family has launched a new campaign called "Today I Will," in which they encourages to make certain vows based around the special interest group's "pro-family" agenda." Cue the stock photos:
Of course, we LGBT people know a completely different Focus on the Family. We know that their vows could read:
- Today I will refer to gay people as "a particularly evil lie of Satan"
- Today I will use phrases like "two infected wounds that had been bandaged together with very dirty and soiled gauze" to refer to my "past" lesbianism, suggesting that a doctor needed to pull me out of homosexuality
- Today I will aggressively promote the scientifically-discredited "ex-gay" movement
- Today I will confuse LGBT kids even further by making them sound broken
- Today I will say that an openly LGBT Supreme Court nominee is a "non-starter"
- Today I will cosponsor a world conference that features such discredited speakers as Richard Cohen with session tilels like "Solutions to Homosexual Behavior"
- Today I will host all kinds of heinous suggestions on my website and then quietly scrub them when a gay blogger brings them to light
- Today I will pretend to run my organization differently from my predecessor, but I will still disseminate rhetoric that positions gays as threat to civilization
And so on and so forth.
Today and everyday, I will hold this organization accountable for the harm it is fostering.