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Video: Ever-deceptive NOM reposts Savage/Brown debate vid
If you go to the original source video that was uploaded by its creators, the National Organization For Marriage and its president are getting hammered hard. A good 95% or more of the 1,311 comments on the Brian Brown/Dan Savage debate video are pro-equality, with many pointing out specific flaws in Brian's argument. Dan is favored by a sweeping margin.
So what did NOM do? Well, in its reliably deceptive fervor, the anti-equality organization ripped the source vid, added its own website branding to it, and reposted the thing to YouTube so that they could direct their followers to the "new" vid rather than the one where robust debate has been happening for the past twenty-four hours.
NOM's newly branded upload, to which staffers are now directing their supporters in obvious hope that they can flood the "new" clip with comments supporting their agenda:
There was absolutely no reason to repost, which only dilutes the original, fractures viewership, and gets in the way of group discussion. In fact, NOM linked to the source clip all day yesterday. But since that clip is virtually devoid of any support for the NOM position (quite literally) and nothing looks to be changing that reality, NOM had to do something to try to to stem the tide. They had to create a new reality. So the answer? Rip and repost as if the other never happened.
Nothing but shady, this crew.
*UPDATE: I didn't notice it the first time around, but NOM has also embedded a link to their related "Marriage Anti-Defamation ALliance" video within this "new" debate clip. So that's another reason why they reposted—so they could use this version as a self-promoting vehicle that highlights other NOM properties.