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Audio: New NOM radio ad uses discredited Regnerus study to shun gay parents

by Jeremy Hooper

I found this buried on NOM's ActRight site. Don't think they've announced it yet:


Of course we all know that this "hopelessly flawed" study was conducted with the Witherspoon Institute, the org of which NOM-cofounder Robert George is a Senior Fellow. Intrepid reporter Scott Rose has done more digging on that than any human should ever have to. See all of his findings here.

But perhaps more notable than just the chicanery that we've come to expect with any and all anti-equality "research" is the fact that NOM is now seriously using this attack against us as a way to stop our marriages. It's more than just making the marriage conversation all about the non-requirement that is reproduction. This takes it all a step further. This is an all-out onslaught against the LGBT-headed families that will exist with or without marriage rights. It's an attempt to stop the civil contract that would help LGBT-headed families have an easier life by positioning such families as too innately broken to deserve any such recognition.

"Callous" is the word that comes to mind.

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