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Bob Emrich knocks our interests; okay, so let's look at his
This from Protect Marriage Maine (so-called) head Bob Emrich:
The Rev. Bob Emrich, chairman of Protect Marriage Maine, which opposes same-sex marriage, said ‘‘radical activists’’ are putting their own interest ahead of children.
‘‘The data confirms what we know to be true — the ideal environment for children to thrive is one where they receive the love of both a mom and a dad,’’ he said.
Hundreds rally for gay marriage in Portland, Maine [AP]
First off, it's bunk. By "the data" he means the skewed and/or highly discredited data It's truly outrageous the way folks like Emrich keep saying this stuff as if it's fact, denigrating those families who they could help rather than hurt.
But since Mr. Emrich wants to talk about "radical" interests, let's look at some of the things he has said about us in the past couple of years:
- Says marriage equality is a "direct challenge to the righteousness and wisdom of God" (comments shared with a Sept. 2011 national pastor webinar)
- In 2009, while the debate over the so-called "Kill The Gays Bill" was being debated in Uganda and worldwide, Emrich -- who had just returned from the African nation -- sent an email to his supporters wherein he pushed an article that praised a "brilliant MP" for coming up "with a Bill against homosexuality." The referenced bill calls for the death penalty as punishment for being gay.
- Routinely proves that his advocacy goes beyond marriage and into "changing" gay people: "Those who want to redefine marriage want us to believe that we show love and support for homosexual family members by encouraging them to remain in their sin. Christian people will remember that true love and support helps people overcome, not surrender."
- Accuses his state's pro-equality lawmakers of mocking God: "It was the most shameful, most embarrassing thing for my state that I have seen. I listened to Senator after Senator stand up and mock God, mock the word of God, mocking the people of God…I was so angry hearing the way they were speaking about my God." (Session 4 19:22-20:01)
- On his official YouTube channel, Emrich pushes several videos that encourage gay people to "change" their orientations.
Bob Emrich [GLAAD CAP]
Bob may think it's radical when people like me stand for the fair and equal treatment of LGBT people, young, old, and everywhere in between. I'll see his baseless claim about my interests and raise him his own aggressive advocacy for the idea that gays can and should "change" so as to not "mock [his] God."