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Family Research Council chooses perfect image
Yesterday afternoon, Family Research Council ran this graphic:
It's perfect. Sure, it's a man and a woman meant to serve as shorthand for "values" superiority. But what are these two supposed moral stalwarts missing? Eyes. Ears. Mouths. Arms. Legs.
Without eyes, they cannot see the true beauty of our true world. They cannot catch sight of this shared spectrum of normalcy for what it really is.
Without ears, they cannot hear the reasoned arguments that we equality activists put forth. They cannot discern the easy sounds of a gay-headed family playing in a park.
Without arms, they have no easy way of reaching out in compassion. They must outsource their outreaches. They must trust others to lend a hand rather than raise a fist.
Without mouths, they cannot speak truth to those who so militantly seize power. They cannot say, "Hey, there are other people who have values too, and not all of them are heterosexual or cisgender!" They cannot stand up against those who have hijacked the religious conversation in this nation.
Without legs, they cannot run away from the confining boxes into which they have been placed. They are stuck, without any discernible mode of transport, left to the shackles of the situation into which they were birthed.
It's visual poetry, FRC. Don't change a thing.