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NOM's Marriage ADA finds its next 'victims'
The National Organization For Marriage's Damian Goddard, a man inclined to use words like "struggling with the Cross of same-sex attraction" when referring to gays…
…has found the next subject for NOM's so-called "Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance" (a project that he leads):
For those not familiar with the Wildflower Inn case, you should know that it is about as cut and dry as can be. The inn tried to deny a lesbian couple's wedding ceremony on the basis of the O'Reillys religious beliefs, with direct admission that the gender of the participants was the issue. This is not okay under Vermont law. It has not ben okay to discrimination for quite some time, in fact. The O'Reillys know this—their settlement agreement makes it all perfectly clear.
But of course straightforward, while NOM's obvious goal in one sense, is never the order of the day when it comes to the facts at hand. If a religious business owner wants to arbitrarily pick and choose who is morally fit for business, then the NOM agenda says that the faith-motivated proprietor should be free to discriminate. If the business owner is simply asked to follow and apply the law equally when it comes to both same-gender and opposite-gender couples, then the NOM agenda cries "defamation." Never mind the lesbian brides who were dehumanized by this cold treatment—in NOM world, LGBT people are always the antagonists and never the wronged.
Go ahead, Damian—film your vid. We're ready.
*An earlier exchange: