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Remember when its president said Focus on the Family isn't against anyone? Yeah, well...
On Friday, I showed you the blurb from Focus on the Family's (Newer! Younger! Softer! Not Dobson!) president Jim Daly denying that his organization is anti-anyone. Here now, another example that belies Mr. Daly's spin. This one comes from Focus on the Family's resident "ex-gay," Jeff Johnston, blaming gay people's sexual orientations—which he refers to as "brokenness," of course—on one, certain Beelzebubian ruler:
Restored Hope for Sexually and Relationally Broken People [Focus on the Family's Citizenlink]
And of course Johnston makes these claims while promoting the so-called "Restored Hope Network," a new organization that has been created by a group of conservatives who thinks "ex-gay" group Exodus International has gone *too soft* on homosexuality. Focus on the Family is quite unapologetically (and even more negligently) telling anyone who will listen that LGBT people are "broken" and that they should turn to those scientifically-shunned groups in order to become whole people.
You're right, Jim Daly—that's not anti—any one person. It's anti—millions of people, my friend. It's also rabidly anti-intellectual.
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