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Rick Warren continues to divide America, alienate gays (as Jesus would)
Well it's an election year, which means it's time for megapsator Rick Warren to once again capitalize on his pulpit for the sake of cynical politicking:
"You don't need to apologize for voting for a Christian worldview which stands up for the sanctity of life, the sanctity of sex and the sanctity of marriage. You don't need to apologize for that because everybody votes what they believe," Warren told thousands of Saddleback Church attendees at the launch of a new sermon series.
The Southern California pastor said those three issues (life, sex, marriage) are non-negotiables for Christians. While they may disagree on the economy or health care, what believers must be firm on is protecting the unborn, viewing sex as holy, and protecting traditional marriage.
"If you call yourself a Christian, you need to line up with what God says is the original intent of all three of these things," he preached.
FULL: Rick Warren Emboldens Christians, Says Not to Apologize for Voting in Line With the Bible [Christian Post]
So nice that the simple tolerance for the civil recognition of marriages like mine is one of life's great "non-negotiables." Totally makes me feel at peace here in the supposedly church/state-separated America to which I pay taxes. </sarcasm>
No word if Rick will again take the opportunity to compare gays to incest or pedophilia, or liken the gay "struggle" to anger or having multiple sexual partners...
…but hey, there are still a couple of months left before voters go to the polls. Plenty of time for him to cast any number of stones for the sake of both politics and profit.