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Romney, on wrong side of polls, reminds us that he's on wrong side of history
Is it just me, or does the "well my kids are all married" line that the candidate instantaneously offers up add an extra level of offense?
But actually, Romney noting that his kids are all married—easily, without controversy, could have rolled out of bed and done it—belies the idea that he wants his theoretical gay grandkids to be just as free and happy. No, Mitt Romney, you do not want this. Or at least you're not working toward that end. Not only does support for the anti-LGBT NOM agenda hurt these potential LGBT progeny in the practical sense, but the overall climate leads to a general sense of unease that goes beyond just the ring finger. Fostering this kind of discrimination means fostering a world where LGBT people must still fight for their lives rather than enjoy them. And this kind of fighting? It doesn't translate to ease.
So fine, stand by your position, Mitt Romney. But don't you dare slap us in the face and tell us it was a love rub. You're backing discrimination, candidate. Own it.