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Today in human sh*ttiness: Witherspoon writer analogizes gay 'temptation' with mass murder itch
This shocking passage comes from Anthony Esolen, a Professor of English at Providence College. It is hosted by the Witherspoon Institute, the organization founded by National Organization For Marriage co-founder Robert George:
There are things we are better off not knowing about. But there’s more. The man who parades his temptation may be seeking approval. “Look at me! I am tempted to do things with another man that God and nature never intended. But I’m not going to do them. Aren’t I to be congratulated?” No, not a bit. If a man said, “Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to open fire upon a bus full of professionals. Oh, I’ll never do it, but just imagine the blood,” we’d rightly consider reporting him to the police. And then it is a small step from approving the brave fellow who makes his temptation conspicuous and conspicuously averts the sin, to suggesting that perhaps the sin isn’t really so bad after all, if such a conspicuously virtuous fellow is tempted by it.
FULL: Tolerance and Reciprocity [Withersppon]
There are things we are better off not knowing, Mr. Esolen. Unfortunately, organizations like Witherspoon keep giving you platforms to make such offenses known.