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Audio: Marylanders 'fired up and ready to go' for equality
Unlike the opposition, our side doesn't threaten that gay marriage supporters will be on the wrong side of eternity. They do, however, make salient points about civil fairness:
WOMAN 1: So who are you voting for President?
WOMAN 2: (laughing) …Who do you think?
WOMAN 1: I know…but what about Question Six? My Pastor says he's ok with it, but I just don't know…
WOMAN 2: I didn't know either, but then I heard President Obama supported marriage for gay couples.
WOMAN 1: Really?
WOMAN 2: You haven't heard him? I've got the clip here on my phone…
WOMAN 1: You have that on your phone?!!? (teasing)
WOMAN 2: Yes! It's THAT important…listen up:
OBAMA CLIP: "Same-sex couples should be able to get married. I had hesitated on gay marriage because I thought civil unions would be sufficient … You know, Malia and Sasha, they've got friends whose parents are same-sex couples, it wouldn't dawn on them that their friends' parents would be treated differently. That's the kind of thing that prompts a change of perspective. When we think about our faith, it's also the golden rule…"
WOMAN 1: That is SO true…
WOMAN 2: Isn't it though? I'd always kinda been on the fence, but Obama makes it so simple: it's about fairness -- treating everyone equal under the law.
WOMAN 1: Well, if that's what a vote for Question Six means, I'm fired up and ready to go!
I love that she has the President's clip on her phone. Would make a good ring tone, too.