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Audio: Other side's four-state conference call

by Jeremy Hooper

I just got off a conference call, which I will now share with you.

What to expect: A whole lot of talk about "protecting God's design," even though all four campaigns are fighting *CIVIL* equality. At one point Carroll Conley (of the Maine campaign) even refers to LGBT-supportive faith leaders as "so-called clergy." At three different points, call facilitator Jim Garlow says Satan wants to destroy the man/woman marriage bond. Oh, and be sure to stick around for Frank Schubert, the guy driving all four of these efforts and the newly-named political director for the National Organization for ["Driving a wedge between blacks and gays"], stirring up black voters by accusing "mostly white" gays of hijacking the civil rights movement (around the 30:00 mark).

This is faith-driven discrimination circa 2012, folks:


**SEE ALSO: For some of the more hostile things that these folks say about us when they're not on-message, see GLAAD's Commentator Accountability Project. Many of the participants (Garlow, Conley, Helmberger, etc.) are on the site now; others (Backholm, McCoy, etc) will have profiles soon.


*Want to support this site and its mission? Purchase or download Jeremy's book here.

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