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'Catholic Bandita' Lisa Graas brings more attention to MD Marriage Alliance extremism; yay!

by Jeremy Hooper

Lisa Graas is a NOM supporter who runs the Catholic Bandita blog. This is how Ms. Graas regards gay people:

Homosexual inclination is objectively disordered. It is not “okay” to be “gay” any more than it is “okay” to hate babies.
Let’s say there were a disorder that caused people to hate children. They can’t help it because their brains are made so that they hate children. They don’t go out and hurt children, but they hate them, and they can’t help it because of this disorder.
‘Gay’ is ‘Not Okay’ [Catholic Bandita]

You cannot call the homosexual condition “neutral” and claim to be a faithful Catholic in obedience to the Church. Same-sex attraction is objectively disordered. It is not “neutral.”
This is not just a “rule” that has no meaning for one’s salvation. The reason it is a rule is that one cannot cling to a disorder and Jesus at the same time.

To label someone as “gay” is limiting them and disrespecting them.

Catholic Bandita

If you are living within the confines of homosexual identity, you are not living an interior life of chastity.
Catholic Bandita

Insisting on Being Accepted And Loved as a ‘Gay’ is Harmful [Catholic Bandita]

Well yesterday, Ms Graas took her insistence about "disordered" gays over to this here site, where she set out to defend that Maryland Marriage Alliance panel where a preacher said gays and our supporters are "worthy of death" before then saying that we are all on "the wrong side of eternity" while campaign head Derek McCoy collapsed into hysterical laughter. And true to the far-right form, she took that oh-so-reasoned position that thinks highlighting another person's chosen speech makes the person who chose to highlight the speech himself a hater of "free speech."

Here's how our exchange played out:

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Not sure if what I said will get through. Either way, I want to thank Ms. Graas for using her speech in a way that gives me another chance to remind voters of what the MD Marriage Alliance is actively recruiting. In fact, let's just show the video one more time:

(**Rmdr: The guy who hysterically laughs at the end of the clip is MD Marriage Alliance head Derek McCoy; guy next to him is Austin Nimocks from the Alliance Defending Freedom; on the other end is professional "ex-gay" Greg Quinlan)

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