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Focus on the Family's mag celebrates 25 years of out-gaying 'The Advocate'

by Jeremy Hooper

Focus on the Family's Citizen magazine is celebrating its 25th anniversary. So how better for one of the nation's most anti-LGBT special interest groups to celebrate this milestone than to assemble a timeline that includes four solid mentions of their two-and-a-half decades of anti-LGBT coverage, alongside several other blips (Manhattan Declaration, Eric Harrah, FRC, etc.) that are at least partially LGBT-related:

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FULL TIMELINE: Citizen magazine

That last one is how they end the timeline. Because that's apparently the key button they want to put on their print legacy thus far—a fearful prediction of the future havoc our inclusive armed forces will supposedly wreck.

Some print legacy ya got there, kids! Lots of alarm-ringing about LGBTs, sure. Only problem? The ones who this overplayed coverage has more fully awakened are the ones who are writing our pro-equality future.

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