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Maryland for forced Christian marriages
Reader Chris Adkins sends this in, saying he got it "on the trains in Baltimore":
These state campaigns, which are all almost exclusively religious at this point, do realize that none of this stuff will hold up in a court of law, right? I mean, sure, when the discrimination is ultimately overturned in all fifty states and federally, they will cry "activist" and attack the judges because that's what they do. But I seriously wonder if they realize that they are handing us our inevitable victory on a silver platter, regardless of what happens at the polls this fall. Because they are.
Or then again, maybe the guy steering all four campaigns, Frank Schubert, just doesn't care. He is, after all, "receiving monthly fees of $10,000 to $20,000 from each of the four state campaigns and earning a commission on the voluminous ads he places on radio and television." With a nest egg like that, who needs a long game?
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