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Meet Brad Brandon, MN For Marriage's paid church voice #MNUnited
Brad Brandon has compared "Satan-influenced" gays to alcoholics, pedophiles, and Hitler, as well as proclaimed a great need to "get [gays] saved and get 'em out of that lifestyle":
Speaker At NOM’s ‘Peaceful And Prayerful’ Marriage Tour Has Compared Gays To Pedophiles, Hitler [Think Progress]
Yet despite this penchant for extremism that goes WAAAAAAAY beyond the subject of marriage, this same Brad Brandon is now a PAID consultant for the Minnesota For Marriage campaign…
…a gig where he serves as a surrogate meant to influence local churchgoers into writing discrimination into the state constitution:
So not only do we have yet another example of a campaign against civil marriage thumbing its nose at any separation between personal faith views and shared public policy, but here we have it coming from a person who leaves not one shred doubt about where he stands on gays (like alcoholics and pedophiles) or what his endgame his (getting gays "out of that lifestyle"). This is what MN For Marriage is recruiting!!
Then again, this Minnesota fight is one that has roots in Michele Bachmann, someone who has said homosexuality is "part of Satan I think" and compares lawmakers who don't support marriage amendments to soldiers who missed Pearl Harbor's warning signs. Perhaps the bigger surprise would be them confining this conversation to the civil policy realm where it belongs.