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NOM responds to 'worthy of death' pastor; jumps on the 'mischaracterized' bandwagon
As per usual, the anti-LGBT side rushes to messenger-shooting claims of "mischaracterization," even though I, the person who initially broke the story in question, posted the FULL TWO HOURS OF VIDEO:
"The statement by Dr. Anderson is being mischaracterized as implying that gays and lesbians are worthy of death. Dr. Anderson meant no such thing. But just to be clear, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) does not and has never tolerated any statement that the bible justifies any act of violence, intimidation or even incivility toward gay and lesbian individuals. NOM repudiates any statement that gays and lesbians should be subjected to any act or statement that violates their inherent human dignity as people created in the image of God. All Americans are entitled to love and respect and NOM rejects any act or statement to the contrary. NOM is also in agreement with the statement issued by Rev. Derek McCoy of the Maryland Marriage Alliance making clear that the "No on Question 6" campaign does not condone any acts or statements that violate the dignity of gays or lesbians or anyone’s human rights."
National Organization for Marriage Issues Statement Regarding Remarks by Dr. Robert Anderson, Pastor, Colonial Baptist Church [NOM]
So since NOM is belaboring this with claims of mischaracterization, let me again remind you: Here are the two worst snips, the second of which brought campaign head McCoy to hysterical laughter:
And then, just so you have more context and characterization, here is the extended clip of what Robert Anderson said leading up to the "worthy of death" part: