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Tony Perkins denies he harms gay kids—by claiming they chose a 'lifestyle' 'dangerous to selves and society' (cc @fakedansavage)

by Jeremy Hooper

Wanting to rebut Dan Savage's opinion about the real dangers he sees Tony Perkins' overheated rhetoric, Perkins went on Mike Huckabee's radio show. And what did Tony do to combat the charges? Well, he told gay kids that they are making dangerous lifestyle choices that are offensive to God, natch.

Two clips:

So just to recap, he's telling kids and their parents that LGBT people (a) must change even though credible science says that is a myth, (b) are innately broken and capable of harming whole societies, (c ) are displeasing to God, and (d) have no path to freedom regardless of how much we advance in terms of rights or public opinion. But folks, you must remember that Tony does all this while also saying "God" and "Jesus" a lot, so he is absolved of any and all harm. That's how it works with the religious right. Right?


By the way, this is what Perkins really said at the press club. He didn't just say he would love his gay kids—he equated that theoretical child with a drug abuser:


**Oh, and just to remind you how connected Tony is to the modern GOP:

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