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Video: NOM reminds nation of President's move to history's right side

by Jeremy Hooper

There is a really funny (read: clumsy; see also: obtuse) new strategy bubbling up within the National Organization For Marriage. Basically they are acting as if they've "found out" President Obama. For some reason they seem to think that if they can "prove" that the trained constitutional scholar was more supportive of marriage equality than his politics allowed him to be (something many of us, on both sides, always assumed), then that somehow helps them make their case for increased civil discrimination against certain kinds of Americans.

We saw a tinge of this earlier in the week, with NOMmers acting like they had some big James O'Keefe–like exposé on their hands simply because they had stumbled on video of Washington state's Governor saying that President Obama—who, let's remind, was always against DOMA, state marriage bans, etc.—had applauded her own personal journey months before he had announced his. In truth, it was a big "so what?" video. So what if the always-somewhat-supportive President noted that Gov. Gregoire was on history's right side? So what if he told her she did a good job, something he's told other state leaders who championed marriage? So what, even, if he confided his own shift a few months before he was ready to announce full support? It's not like he's hiding anything—we all know the President supports full, equal, decent treatment of LGBT people. Why a search for clues about something he fully admits?!

That out of the way, let's now look at another "so what?" NOM production:

You "know the real Obama," NOM? OH PLEASE! You all vowed to "sideswipe" this President only months after he took office (in the same memos where NOM vowed to drive a wedge between blacks and gays)! So what—so the frick what?!—if you all wish he would go back to his initially stated position?! Your organization loathes this President and his fair-minded policies! Why should he care what the nation's largest house of discrimination thinks about his evolution?!

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