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Video: Teen in red state condemns gay people—and that makes him a 'traditional marriage' victim!?

by Jeremy Hooper

There is much debate about what really happened in the Dakota Ary incident. What we know for sure, according to everyone's admission, is that the teenager made his anti-gay positions known whole sitting in a public school classroom. However, there are conflicting reports about the extent of his condemnations. That Dakota and his family chose the rabidly anti-LGBT Liberty Counsel for legal leadership certainly doesn't speak to tolerance.

But regardless of just how anti-gay young Dakota was on that day, the truly ridiculous thing about the National Organization for Marriage now using Dakota in a "Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance" video comes in the little fact that Texas is about as far away from marriage equality as any one state in this nation. Whatever went down in Dakota's case, it was not about the national conversation surrounding civil marriage rights—it was about basic respect for LGBT people during the public school day! He did what he did in a red state with no legal recognition of same-sex couples. A rejection of the casual peace of mind that all students deserve when they head to school is not supposed to be among NOM's goals.

At least it didn't used to be among NOM's goals. I'm really starting to wonder:

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