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Well, NOM's Peters certainly knows a thing or two about dividing and fostering hostility
The claim that President Obama is out to divide and foster animosity is pretty silly no matter what…
…but when the person who writes it is an employee of an organization that operates with a vision like this…
(*this strategy launched just months after the President took office)
…one can't help but marvel at the astounding hypocrisy.
Yet that is exactly what is happening over at CatholicVote.org, where the National Organization For Marriage's own Cultural Director and blogger, Thomas Peters, has broken down 10 reasons why President Obama will supposedly be "worse" in the next term. He twice uses the word "enemy" in reference to the President's views on faith, knocks his same-sex marriage support in a number of ways, and says any combination of things that you might expect a far-right conservative to say two weeks out of this election. But for me, it's Thomas' employer that makes the piece so damn obtuse. I mean, there is no organization working in American politics that is as divisive as NOM, nor one that poses as many true threats to our church/state balance. Yet THE PRESIDENT is the one who is fostering animosity among citizens? Really? It's not the org that is waging "culture war" in multiple states and federally? Sure that's what we're going with?
Whatever. You can read Thomas' full slate of arguments as the following link. But when you're done, don't forget to return to the daily chore that is defending your life and love from the divisive and animus-filled war on your life, marriage, family, and freedom that NOM has made its mission.
10 Reasons Why Obama’s Next 4 Years Would Be Worse Than the Past 4 Years