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'When blue and red come together, they go purple' #spiritday

by Jeremy Hooper

In the run-up to October 19's Spirit Day, GLAAD has a smart ask for the President and his GOP challenger:

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This is one of those things that could seem silly to you on the surface. It's just purple clothing, you might think. It's the least they could do, you might say in frustration.

But in truth, this is a great conversation starter. As you surely know, a growing number of prominent people choose to participate in Spirit Day with every passing year. All over the airwaves, the media is filled with purple—LGBT allies showing their support for basic respect and, ideally, acceptance. GLAAD has put a lot of muscle into this campaign and the results are apparent. Seriously, turn on your TV on Oct. 19—you'll likely think Barney the dinosaur has adopted a new career as a costume designer.

So if one of the two candidates chooses to not participate (I'll let you guess which one), it'll be a good chance for folks from both political parties to ask why. Regardless of where you might stand on certain policy matters, both parties can hopefully agree that LGBT people should be protected from harms and brought into a world of peace. So what will it say if one (or both) of the candidates turns a blind eye to this, a day that is now virtually impossible to miss? There's absolutely no way the campaigns will be unaware of the event, so the sartorial choices on that day will certainly be campaign discussions. What will they choose? And why?

If it's cold, one might choose purple mitts. But won't it seem cold if one doesn't choose purple? Mitt?

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