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Audio: MN For Marriage's Andy Parrish loses radio debate (just like he lost at polls)
A few weeks back, Minnesota For Marriage's deputy campaign guy, Andy Parrish, was taunting pro football player Chris Kluwe on Twitter with tweets like this one:
But if you ask me, Andy should have followed his own advice and brushed up a little bit before debating Chris, radio hosts Jack Tomczak and Benjamin Kruse, or even the callers. Because what I hear in the now-concluded debate (recorded last night) are lots of people shooting down the same NOM-workshopped talking points (e.g. "sex ed" has been taught to kindergarteners), religiosity (e.g. he claims Earth is only six-thousand years old), side-stepping rhetorical questions (e.g. "Which parent did you not need?"), and self-satisfied belief in his movement's own press releases (throughout) that lost at the polls earlier this month.
Listen for yourself. Debate starts around 14:00:
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