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FRC denies it ever supported Uganda bill; so here, again, is now-scrubbed audio of Tony Perkins saying bill 'uphold[s] moral conduct'

by Jeremy Hooper

Back in 2010, Tony Perkins recorded an audio commentary that praised the heinous Uganda bill that has colloquially become known as the "Kill The Gays Bill." In said commentary, Tony positioned that proposal, with its death penalty in certain cases intact, as simply "uphold[ing] moral conduct":


FRC scrubbed the audio days later. I only have it because the Internet Wayback Machine has a long, unforgiving memory.

But now check out what FRC is saying this week:

Screen Shot 2012-11-30 At 8.26.15 Am [FRC]

LIE! Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie! We have it right there above.

It is also a fact that FRC did lobby, in some capacity, on issues surrounding the bill. There is some debate about what, exactly, they did. But no one, including FRC, denies that they were involved in some way in that discussion. I mean, just think about that for a second. Do they involve themselves in the affairs of other nations just for the fun of it? NO! But for some reason, FRC *did* step into *this* conversation, at a time when the proposal and its bone-chilling ideas were at their hottest!

So once again, we have FRC shooting whatever messengers shine the brightest light on their eye-opening choices, because they realize that those choices make them look bad. It's getting really old. It's time for FRC to spine up and take the lumps for the political aggression that they call work.

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