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MN For Marriage can't believe they lost to those who want to 'overthrow His design'

by Jeremy Hooper

They don't realize that their incredibly aggressive attempt to force religious beliefs onto civil policy is what is doing them in:

“Despite the disappointing outcome of this election, we rejoice tonight that marriage is still marriage. We know that God has defined marriage as between one man and one woman, regardless of the efforts of some to overthrow His design,” said John Helmberger, Chairman of Minnesota for Marriage.

“We give thanks to God for His creation of marriage, and we commit ourselves to work and pray that attempts to redefine marriage in our courts and legislature will not succeed.”

MORE: Minnesota for Marriage Thanks Supporters, Volunteers, Pastors, Faith Leaders for Their Selfless Effort to Preserve Marriage As Between One Man And One Woman [MN For Marriage]

They are free to believe as they wish. They are not free to alter shared policy on the basis of those same faith wishes. It's not that hard of a concept.

This year, we saw all five of the state campaigns (NC included) go more religious than they had in the past. If they stay on this, a course that threatens the church/state-separated lives of more than just LGBT people, they will only ratchet up the loss rate.

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