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NOM's Thomas Peters pushing view that gays should 'refrain from' their truths

by Jeremy Hooper

Some of you might remember my posts from March of 2011 that featured videos from a Catholic teacher leading his students in a series of classes on homosexuality. In those videos the teacher, Fr. John Hollowell, referred to gays as "disordered," which he summed up as "shooting an arrow in the wrong direction…."headed towards something that is not good." He equated a person's same-sex attractions with having an affection for unhealthy food, chocolate, alcohol, adultery, or sleeping in and watching movies all day. He instructed gays that "longterm you can change -- you can work at -- your attractions." He even criticized "Modern Family" for "desensitizing" America to gay people. You can watch both videos at these two links:

Video: This is what school indoctrination really looks like [G-A-Y]
Video: What they're saying about us at Cardinal Ritter High School: Part 2 [G-A-Y]

Regardless of where you stand on policy, it's clear that Hollowell's views go well beyond just the issue of marriage. His videos were meant to steer his kids away from gayness itself, not just certain policy positions. Of that there is no debate.

So why bring it up now? Well, because this very same Fr. John Hollowell is back out with a new fundraising campaign for a proposed documentary all about pushing his view of what the church teaches on homosexuality. And who is helping him push, you ask? Well, see for yourself:

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Yup, you guessed it—the National Organization For Marriage's blogger and Cultural Director, Thomas Peters. He, someone who works and increasingly speaks for the organization that pretends to be focused only on policy and not on anti-LGBT animus itself, is helping raise funds for a theoretical documentary about "Catholics who live with same-sex attractions" (watch trailer here). He's not only further cementing the inextricably Catholic motivations that we all know steer the work of every single person who guides NOM, but Thomas is fully getting in bed with teachings meant to push this view (celibacy, basically) onto gay men and women.

This is the view that Thomas Peters, key National Organization For Marriage spokesperson, is encouraging:

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[Hollowell's blog]

It's not just about marriage for them. It never was.

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