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NOM's 'anti-defamation' guy rails against 'idiot' Chris Kluwe
Damian Goddard heads up and serves as the spokesman for the National Organization for Marriage's so-called "marriage anti-defamation alliance," which is all about "protecting" those who speak out in favor of discrimination. But those pro football players who speak out in favor of equality? Oh, well they're totally fit to be branded as "idiots," of course:
Time to "get smashmouth on marriage"? I'm not even sure what that means, really. Does that mean he's going to unleash a certain nineties band on us, repeatedly playing the earworm-inducing hits "All Star" and "Walking on The Sun" on a high volume loop until we promise to back down? Because that might work, actually.
Whatever the case, I am pretty sure that I wouldn't have my nonprofit's "anti-defamation" guy making such aggressive claims or calling people "idiots." Might diminish your claims just a tad, no?
**UPDATE: Chris Kluwe responds to NOM's Damian Goddard [G-A-Y]