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One of the most disgusting anti-equality statements you will ever read

by Jeremy Hooper

David Johnson is a Republican state representative from Eddington, Maine. David Johnson recently lost his gay brother to cancer and says he is still close to that late brother's partner of 25+ years. David Johnson wants to use that firsthand knowledge and recent loss to make a political statement about marriage.

But David Johnson's statement is not about honoring commitments like the one that existed between his late brother and his partner of more than two decades. No, no—it's about "strongly disagreeing with their lifestyle":

JohnsondavidcolorAugusta, Maine – Today, Representative David Johnson (R-Eddington), issued a statement from his own personal experience with his brother that you can love someone involved in a homosexual relationship while also strongly disagreeing with their lifestyle.

In April, Johnson lost his brother, who struggled through a two-year battle with cancer and was in a 25+ year relationship with his partner.

“I miss my brother and stay in contact with his partner because I love them both and know many other gay couples and love them dearly as well. The fact remains that God intended marriage to be between one man and one woman, and we have no right to redefine marriage. It has taken me a while, but I have finally figured out that God’s plan is better than man’s plan in all aspects of life. He constructed marriage this way for a reason. Numerous studies confirm this, showing that kids do much better when raised by their married mother and father.”

Johnson added, “On Tuesday, we will decide between affirming God’s plan for marriage, or seeking our own route. Please join me in voting no on Question 1, after all our Nation’s motto is still, ‘In God we trust.’”

Wow. Just wow.



*UPDATE: Surprise, surprise—NOM has campaigned for Johnson:

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