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We're all 'trolls' for disliking Jennifer Roback Morse's mean-spirited T'day vid

by Jeremy Hooper

You know that nasty video that NOM's own Jennifer Roback Morse posted as a Thanksgiving message? The one where she condemns gay resident advisors on college campuses? Yeah, well—all of you who used your free speech/expression rights to show your disapproval of the video and its untimely posting are "trolls" in Ms. Roback Morse's book:

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This is why she's upset:

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Because that's the way it always is in anti-LGBT world. If people voice disapproval of pro-gay messages, they are simply showing their morally-held opinions and are to be protected as sacrosanct defenders of religious rights. But if people show strong disapproval to anti-gayness? Then those same people claim that we are somehow being unfair. Or we are shutting down speech. Or, in this case, we are "trolls."

Nice try, Jen. As far as I know, Good As You was the first pro-LGBT outlet to post this video, and I got it *directly from the Ruth Institute website.* If posting a video on your own site only garners 11 likes (versus 684 dislikes), then your greater organizational problem is with something other than your opposition.

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