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Will the AFA's annual 'War On Christmas' dare fil-A a certain chicken chain?
Around this time every year, the same social conservatives who so proudly attack LGBT rights (the AFA, Liberty Counsel, et al) begin isolating and knocking any American business that uses words like "holiday" and "season" rather than their preferred "Christmas." So I can't help but wonder if these same groups, all of whom have been hailing Chick-fil-A over the past year, will dare to lash out at their beloved fast food chain:
It's of course obvious why Chick-fil-A, like so many other companies, uses holiday language instead of Christmas-specific mentions. I'm not knocking them. Not this time.
But the usual "war on Christmas" warriors never show any understanding when it comes to these campaigns. They've publicly flogged many for press releases just like the one above. For less, actually.
So what is it, AFA: You gonna have the fortitude to question your most celebrated fast food drive-thru? Wouldn't want you to look hypocritical.
*Want to support this site and its mission? You can purchase or download Jeremy's book here. It makes a great Christmas holiday gift.