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Antonin Scalia's church promoted event dealing w/ 'challenge of same-sex attractions'; son was key speaker
This comes from a bulletin of St Catherine of Siena, the Opus Dei–affiliated church in Great Falls, VA, where the Scalia family, the Santorums, and other prominent D.C. area conservatives are parishioners:
Why did Paul Scalia get this gig, you ask? Oh, well because Paul Scalia is deeply involved with the Courage organization, the group that is essentially the "ex-gay" program of the Catholic faith (with an emphasis on "chastity" rather than "change.") In fact, Paul Scalia either served (or still serves) as the Chairman of the Board of that organization, and has written extensively on the subject of homosexuality. (*Back2Stonewall has more).
Does this mean, definitively, that Justice Scalia uses terminology like "same-sex attraction" and sees homosexuality as a "challenge" that needs to be dealt with in conferences and advocacy groups built around celibacy? No, not necessarily. But considering his recent comments and his outsized role in affecting the welfare of the LGBT person in America, a responsible media will ask questions.
**Oh, another thing: NOM's Brian Brown also attends this church (*or did attend it at the time this bulletin was printed; rumor has it he has moved to Philadelphia).
**One more thing: Other St Catherine of Siena bulletins have promoted books on the subject:
Again, the Courage organization's one and only plan for LGBT people is chastity/celibacy. Is that view guiding (at least) 1/9 of the mindset that gets to determine our civil rights?!?