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Gays are rich superheroes who sip Piña Coladas aboard our peaceful boats of existence
I already told you to expect it. Over the next few months, NOM is going to work overtime trying to convince America that we LGBT folk are far too powerful to be a vulnerable minority group.
These are the kind of lines that will pave their path to the Supreme Court:
To make this claim, NOM uses a rightwing spin job on a Prudential Financial report on the fiscal health of the LGBT population. Because the comparably larger number of dual-income LGBT couplings shows some higher financial markers (emphasis on some) among the sampled population, the NOM crowd is using this (mis)interoperation of the data to pretend that America of 2012 is just a peachy party for LGBT people everywhere. It is a ludicrous read of the land's lay.
Despite awesome gains, anti-LGBT hate crimes are up. Despite visibility, LGBT bullying and tragic suicides remain. Far too many of us face estrangement from non-accepting families, a pain that no human being should have to feel. Plus we still fight hard for every one of our gains, and we still suffer the near-daily indignity of public people comparing our lives and loves to heinous things. I really don't think that this is something the American public needs to learn. Most anyone who lives in the real world, as opposed to the far-right echo chamber, has no problem pinpointing a reality that still remains in front of most everyone's face. Even a child born and raised in the Castro still hears a malicious "f*g" slur from time to time.
But NOM, ya see, is desperate. Desperate times call for naming false realities.