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Group arguing against us in court: Gays 'caught in the snare of sexual sin'; equality fight is 'evil'

by Jeremy Hooper

As you watch the Supreme Court this morning for news on the Proposition 8 and DOMA cases, remember that the legal organization most engaged in these battles on the anti- side, the so-called Alliance Defending Freedom, is involved in these cases because its members hold the view that gay people are "evil" and "caught in the snare of sexual in." This from a new ADF release:

Logo-1 Redefining marriage will hinder the spread of the Gospel. This is especially true when it comes to ministering to those caught in the snare of sexual sin. When the government implicitly endorses behaviors that can ultimately lead to a person’s eternal destruction, it is an easy step to prohibit proclaiming the biblical Truth about marriage by labeling it “hate speech.” How tragic! Once a society descends to this depth, evil is labeled good, and good is labeled evil.

Those who oppose the biblical definition of marriage and sexual sin do not just want the government’s endorsement of homosexual behavior. As evidenced by numerous lawsuits we’re defending, many want to use the full force of the state to silence, and even punish, anyone who has convictions to the contrary.


You watching this stuff, Justice Kennedy?

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