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Illinois Catholic conference fights marriage by telling gays to live 'chaste lives'

by Jeremy Hooper

In preparation for the coming marriage fight, the Illinois Catholic Conference has already assembled a team to fight against us and created a fourteen page "toolkit" to distribute to its members. That toolkit's suggestion for LGBT citizens of the state is to join the "ex-gay" Courage ministry, which tells us that we are to live celibate lives:

Screen Shot 2012-12-13 At 2.50.07 Pm [Marriage Toolkit—Courage section]

It never ends at marriage. In any state, in every fight, with every team, stuff like this always pops up. Because this idea that gays are not live as we are created pretty much defines their fight, if we're being honest.

When we start having an adult conversation about the opposition movement's clear and demonstrable war on our sexual orientations in general, we will greatly remove the mud that clouds this debate. Those who are so clearly going after more than just our ring fingers need to have enough fortitude to own their motivations.

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