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One of FRC's most deceitful acts yet; takes commentary on study and ascribes it to study's researcher
Check out what FRC has to say:
It's not their IQ score. It's not even where they go to school. No, the strongest influence on how well your children do in school is you. According to a new study, having two married parents may be the best educational advantage you can give your kids. Based on data from 1.6 million children, Michael Rosenfeld confirms what FRC's research has shown for some time: children from intact, married families were 35.4% more likely to do well in school than kids in homosexual homes. Also, children adopted into heterosexual families fared better -- with a 24% edge in school progress over kids in same-sex families.
Rosenfeld's data, which was just published by the journal Demography, only confirms other research like Dr. Mark Regnerus's, who noticed that children raised in homosexual homes have poorer educational attainment than other kids.
[FRC Washington Update]
Only thing? What they ascribe to Rosenfeld is actually not Rosenfeld's work at all! Instead, what they link to at the "new study" text is *a commentary* on Rosenfeld's work that was done by three *economists* with ties to anti-equality institutions! The lead commentator behind this "data" is Douglas Allen, who is on the board of NOM's Ruth Institute. The other two commentators are from Brigham Young University and Ave Maria University, both of which are extremely hostile to LGBT rights.
Beyond that, the actual Michael Rosenfeld—who, unlike the three behind this "pro-family" commentary, actually is a researcher—actually found "that children of same-sex couples are as likely to make normal progress through school as the children of most other family structures." And in fact, Rosenfeld has directly responded to this non-peer-reviewed spin on his initial work. You can find that here.
This is out of line behavior even for the reliably pale-transcending FRC!