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Video: Is this how's NOM's Next Generation will sound?

by Jeremy Hooper

All year, NOM has been teasing a "Next Generation For Marriage" project which Cultural Director Thomas Peters is planning to launch and MarriageForNextGen.org. But as we know, the vast majority of young people support marriage equality, most of them in a benign way that wonders why this whole thing is even at issue. To say NOM will have an uphill slog with this project is like saying Rudolph had a tough time transcending all of the other reindeer's first impressions.

So what will NOM have to rely on if within the next gen? Probably folks like Caiden Cowger, who bases his resistance around the aggressively ingrained view that homosexuality is immoral and perverse, and who engages with rants about how "the poop chute is meant for poop." Behold:

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