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Alveda King claims marriage equality as facet of 'reproductive genocide'

by Jeremy Hooper

Anti-equality activist and National Organization for Marriage ally Alveda King:

"Now in the 21st century, to see the NAACP advancing abortion [and] homosexual 'marriage,' what they're doing is they're promoting reproductive genocide," she tells OneNewsNow.

Thirty-six percent of abortions in the U.S. kill black babies, and of course homosexuals cannot procreate. King says the NAACP could turn itself around, but only through repenting. The movement of African-Americans calling for repentance from the NAACP is growing.


Um, not for nothing, but if homosexuality were a component of "reproductive genocide," wouldn't the fault lie with the millions of heterosexuals who create us every year? Because contrary to the far-right's seeming belief, we didn't just pop up on a "radical" gay pride float brandishing our copies of The Homosexual Agenda™. We were conceived and birthed into this world, naturally and necessarily.

But please, Ms. King—keep talking the way you're talking. Every word like "genocide" means a point for our polls.

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