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Bryan Fischer gives Louie Giglio an ultimatum: Redouble your anti-gay words or 'shirk your heavenly duty'

by Jeremy Hooper

A man most known for his viciously anti-LGBT rhetoric, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer, wants answers and HE WANTS THEM NOW:

Every advance of the homosexual agenda comes at the expense of religious liberty. You [Louis Giglio] have become the new Rosa Parks, sent to the back of the cultural bus because you are considered socially unacceptable. You have meekly allowed yourself not just to be sent to the back of the bus but thrown off the bus entirely instead of standing your ground as Ms. Parks did.

Your sermon from long ago struck the perfect balance. You offered homosexuals life-giving forgiveness and life-giving power Bryan Fischer to leave their self-destructive lifestyle and find hope and transformation in the person of Jesus Christ.

So we must ask you directly, and the nation deserves an answer: Do you still believe that homosexuality is a sin from which man may be saved but also must be saved? If you do still believe this, then why have you not said so?

The eyes and ears of an entire nation are open to you at this critical moment, and you have been given a once-in-a-lifetime platform to be God’s man with God’s word for a deceived and deluded culture. Will you seize the moment? It is not too late.

I urge you to unambiguously affirm the position you advocated in your sermon. Your convictions were based squarely on the unchanging standards of the word of God. We need to know that you still stand where you once stood.

Our nation desperately needs a clear, unambiguous word from God at this moment in our history, and he has chosen you for that task. To this point, it appears as if you are shirking your heavenly duty. I urge to you to respond to God’s call to be God’s man for this hour.

You have the opportunity right now to alert a nation of young men to the dangers of homosexual behavior, the same dangers cited longed ago in Romans 1. I beg you to seize the day.

Martin Luther long ago said this: “Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved. And to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.”

Louie, God has stationed you in the very gap through which the forces of sexual perversity are flooding our society. Will you be the man who stands in that gap before God on behalf of the land?
An Open Letter To Louis Giglio [Right Side News]

He makes quite the pitch, huh Louie?


*MORE: Treats gays like alcoholics, intervention and all:

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