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Is Delaware's coming marriage debate about Satan's 'particularly evil lie'?

by Jeremy Hooper

If I were leading Delaware's leading "pro-family" policy group and my state was about to get a lot of attention when its legislature debates marriage equality, I probably wouldn't recruit a speaker who has gone on record to call homosexuality "a particularly evil lie of Satan." However, that is exactly what the Delaware Family Policy Council has done, selecting Focus on the Family's Glenn Stanton as a headliner at its upcoming event:

Screen Shot 2013-01-18 At 8.38.25 Am
[Delaware Family Policy Council]

Don't get me wrong—I'm not trying to stop them from booking Stanton. I just want to know if this group, the one that will soon be lobbying and protesting in the halls of the state house, thinks this is the kind of rhetoric that should form our modern debate on civil marriage equality. And if the Delaware Family Policy Council does stand by Stanton's grossly overreaching claim—which, by the way, is still prominently featured on Focus on the Family's main website—then I'd like to know why any LGBT person in the state should assume that their fight will stop at just marriage.



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