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Less than twenty-four hours into '13, IL activists inject personal faith into civil debate
With discussion on civil marriage equality coming to the Illinois legislature any day now, the anti-LGBT crowd today released a bulletin insert that they are sending to local churches. The Illinois Family Institute—which, I should remind you, is one of the very few state policy groups that the Southern Poverty Law Center designates as an anti-gay hate group—is behind this, the aggressive claim that God created marriage:
Neither religious ceremony nor children are requirements (and LGBT families routinely have both), so both of those can be shot down right now. The supposed consequences of marriage equality are far-right spin, born out of loose fantasies concocted by the National Organization For Marriage rather than the day-to-day reality that residents of a growing number of states now know to be life. And oh–the very fact that they put the word marriage in fear quotes should certainly dock the IFI a few points in the reasoned debate category.
The one piece of this document that is grounded in reality is the suggestion for Illinois residents to call their legislators. (217) 782-2000. Tell them that the egregious lies of the self-appointed moral authoritarians sent you.
**For more of the animus-drenched mindset that motivates the IFI, check out GLAAD's Commentator Accountability Project, where the organization's top two leaders, David Smith and Laurie Higgins, each have profiles rounding up their hostile rhetoric.