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NOM clearly moving forward with nasty 'gays against gay marriage' idea

by Jeremy Hooper

I've already shown you how the National Organization For Marriage has purchased domain names to push the idea that many gay people are themselves against equal marriage rights. Today, a sign that they seriously are planning to run with that idea. NOM has co-opted another site's video, branded it as "Gay Voices Against Gay Marriage," uploaded it to NOM's own video feed, and turned the whole thing into an advocacy blog post:

Screen Shot 2013-01-10 At 11.12.17 Am
Gay Voices Against Gay Marriage [NOM]

NOM staffers are completely mad if they think this is a political smart way to go. Sure, there are a limited number of LGBT-identified people who oppose marriage rights for any number of reasons, just as there are [any population]-identified outliers who oppose a consensus goal of an associated political movement. But if a group like NOM, that is not only focused on anti-LGBT discrimination but that also has a demonstrated record of stirring up inter/intra-community animus, seriously thinks that it is politically smart to pit gays against gays, then the current incarnation of this organization is even more unfocused and mismanaged than I suspected.

If this is one of their "big three surprises," then I sincerely thank NOM's handlers for the gift and the silver platter on which they plan to serve it.


**More about Philippe Arino: He operates from the same Catholic backing at NOM, and lives his life "in continence" with his faith. He has carved out a career built around his "gay against gay marriage" view.

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