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Today: NOM, MassResistance join Rhode Island 'Marriage as Established by God' protest
The National Organization For Marriage's Christopher Plante has said he wants to stop same-sex marriage so we can avoid "tragic situations" and claimed that gay parents “turn children into little teacup dogs -- it's an accessory to put in my purse."
But even that pales in comparison to some of the stuff Brian Camenker has said about us. Camenker is one of the most outwardly anti-gay figures in the "culture war" commentariat, giving his MassResistance group the ignoble distinction of being among the few statewide policy groups to make the Southern Poverty Law Center's anti-gay list.
Today, both Plante and Camenker will join a "Marriage as Established by God" protest in Rhode Island:
On Tuesday, January 15th @ 4:00 pm in the State House, the “Faith Alliance to Preserve the Sanctity of Marriage as Established by God” (Faith Alliance) will hold a press conference to express its opposition to House Bill #5015 that proposes to legalize “same sex marriage” in Rhode Island. The Faith Alliance, recently formed by a culturally diverse group of religious and civic leaders representing members from over 100 organizations and seven denominations in Rhode Island, is also supported by the Knights of Columbus in Rhode Island which has over 7,000 members.
Rev. Luis Rodriguez, Chairman of the Faith Alliance and President of the Hispanic Ministerial Association, states, “Marriage is a sacred covenant between God, man, and woman. It was the first covenant that God made with man and woman. The Church and God-fearing people have been given the charge to protect and preserve God’s holy institution of marriage.”
The press conference will include a formal position statement from the Faith Alliance and remarks from several speakers such as Bishop Thomas J. Tobin’s designee from the Catholic Diocese of Providence; Rev. Luis Rodriguez, Iglesia de la Comunidad; Rev. Luis Suarez, President of the Hispanic Coalition of Pastors and Ministers and Pastor, Iglesia Nueva Generacion Cristiana; Rev. Santos Escobar, Inglesia Vida Abundante UMC; Ron L’Heureux, Founder of Project Exodus 18; and Darrell Lee, SM, Founder, Building Cities on God Ministries.
Mr. Lee, a co-founder of the Faith Alliance, asserts, “The state, by law, only has the right to ensure the “legal” administration of God’s covenant of marriage to ensure the protection of children; it is not authorized to change, amend, or revise God’s definition of marriage. Marriage has been established and defined by God as a spiritual union between a man and a woman, and it is not to be altered by mankind or its government.”
Christopher Plante, Director of the National Organization for Marriage, a major national voice in the movement to preserve the institution of marriage, will highlight the status of the national battle to prevent same sex marriage where 32 states have recently reaffirmed the traditional definition of marriage in their constitutions. Key topics presented during the press conference will include Biblical and historical perspectives, the impact on families, and legal implications. Brian Camenker of MassResistance will also provide comments regarding the effect of same sex marriage legislation in Massachusetts on government, businesses, employment, education, adoption laws, and public health. The Faith Alliance also acknowledges and joins the position of the 135 churches across Rhode Island who signed a joint resolution against same sex marriage.
The leadership of the Faith Alliance argues that the statements recently made by Governor Chafee suggesting that same sex marriage is a matter of technology, talent and tolerance is incomprehensible and flawed. In addition, we are certain that the statements made by the pastoral Chair of the recently formed Rhode Islanders United for Marriage suggesting that same sex marriage is ordained by God cannot be found in, or justified by, any accepted version of the Holy Scriptures. God’s covenant of marriage is not explained by any of these assertions and is not subject to reinterpretation or debate.
The Faith Alliance’s purpose and position are to safeguard God’s covenant and definition of marriage. In doing so, it is neither judging nor condemning gay, lesbian, or transgender individuals. Rev. Rodriguez addresses this position by stating, “Unfortunately, there is a tendency to logically or purposefully associate matters of homosexuality with same sex marriage. While the former may be a right of personal choice or innate sexual orientation, the latter is a privilege ordained by God and administered by the state. Once this distinction is clearly articulated through our collective efforts, we are confident that the people of Rhode Island will strongly urge their state legislators to hear the voice of the people.”
For more information, please contact Rev. Luis Rodriguez at [email protected] or (401) 241-1093, or visit our website at www.psmarriagebygodri.com.
No word if the all involved married couples will agree to forgo their own civil marriage licenses, since the religious ceremonial component is what they say establishes the marriage. I'll keep you posted.
UPDATE: NOM RI posts shocking, must-be-seen videos; Says gays are ‘lethal’, not going to heaven, more [NOM Exposed]