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Video: The UK gets its own Kalley Yanta

by Jeremy Hooper

Many of you will remember the series of "Marriage Minute" videos in which Minnesota For Marriage's Kalley Yanta tried, unsuccessfully, to convince her state citizenry to vote in favor of discrimination. Well now she has a British analogue who uses the same "marriage minute" title and a near-identical script:

The whole thing makes me wonder if the National Organization For Marriage and/or Frank Schubert might be directly involved with this UK effort. As you likely know, NOM and Schubert were the forces behind the failed MN For Marriage effort. Plus NOM has been promoting this Coalition for Marriage on its own properties Might NOM be meddling in this UK effort just like the organization and its affiliates are aggressively meddling in French affairs?

Either way, I sincerely hope the UK people find Dr. James as persuasive as Minnesotans found Ms. Yanta to be. UK gays would surely welcome the unwitting assistance.

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