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Audio: Janet Mefferd caller sums up an entire movement's flawed thinking

by Jeremy Hooper
  • For wanting to be peacefully included rather than forced into separate-and-unequal status, gays are "covetous" like "birds that steal other birds' nests"

  • Homosexuality is a "choice"

  • Gays "mold young boys into becoming gay"

  • The whole thing is "Satan's lie"

  • God is on the anti-LGBT Christian's side, and they are going to "win in the end."

I'm not sure I've ever heard a single talk radio caller more ably sum up the skewed (and smug) rationale that defines that "pro-family" crowd's proud push for discrimination against their fellow citizens:

[SOURCE: Janet Mefferd Show, 2/13/13]

The thing is, Janet Mefferd hears the flaws in her allure's thinking. She tips her hand when she mentions the forced separation à la Jim Crow. Sure, she couches it by implying that this will be what we, the pesky gays, claim. But it's the thought that came to her head—and for good reason. Janet Mefferd knows that her caller is spouting untenable, unconditional, and unAmerican balderdash. But she also knows what her listening base wants to hear, so the host goes along for this anti-intellectual ride of supposed gay "covetousness."

And that conspiratorial complacency speaks to another deep problem with the crowd that has branded itself "pro-family." Many of these public thinkers, talkers, movers, and shakers know better.

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