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Audio: To frame gays as 'lonely,' NOM's Roback Morse casts aspersions on Tyler Clementi; claims 'more to the story'
Carlos Maza brings us this truly shocking turn from the ever-shocking National Organization For Marriage surrogate:
"Sometimes you hear about these things and you don’t hear the whole story in the media.That kid Tyler Clementi who killed himself, who threw himself off the George Washington Bridge? Do you know this story? Okay, then I’m not going to tell it. There was a much older man in the picture. There’s usually more to the story, right? And so I think friendship is what you have to offer. There are a lot of situations where people are doing something sexual that’s probably not the best thing for them and that would be better if they had somebody who would be friends with them without coming onto them or without judging them and that kind of stuff."