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'Ex-gay' Focus on the Family staffer Jeff Johnston: Gay relationships are 'unreality'

by Jeremy Hooper

"Former homosexual" Jeff Johnston, who serves as Focus on the Family's Gender Issues Analyst (my old job, as Bill Maher might say), recently came across a column calling on Christians to evolve on LGBT equality. Jeff gives a decided "NO!":

"Same-sex unions do not reflect the reality of male and female bodies. Humans can participate in a variety of relationships and be quite inventive with sexual Screen Shot 2013-02-06 At 2.22.15 Pmbehaviors. But only a male and female sexually uniting can produce children. This is why all cultures have recognized marriage between a husband and wife as a unique relationship, a relationship designed to keep husbands and wives together and designed to keep children with the parents who made them – to be loved, nurtured, educated, disciplined and equipped to become healthy and functioning adults.

Despite years of brainwashing from academia, radical feminists, the media, and entertainment, most people know that men and women are different, unique and complementary. A society that attempts to erase male and female or to create new categories to stand next to male and female is living in unreality. Which of the supposed “other genders” being created by individuals or groups can reproduce or replicate itself?
As Christians we also reject the reduction of humanity to groups defined by their sexual attractions and behaviors. Male and female are categories of existence – there is the biological reality of being male or female, and we live in the spiritual reality of a masculinity or femininity that reflects God’s image. It is de-humanizing to categorize individuals by the ever-proliferating alphabet of identities based on sexual attractions or behavior or “gender identity” – LGBBTTQQIAAFPPBDSM – however many letters are added. No. We stand with the truth that there are male and female. There is no recently discovered race of “homosexuals” or “gays” or “lesbians.” We don’t define people’s essence, their being, by their sexual appetites or by other desires.
FULL: FoTF Citizenlink

Nor do we define our existences by our sexual appetites, Jeff, anymore than heterosexual people do. We leave that to organizations like the one that employs you.

But whatever, Jeff. Call my marriage "unreality," if that's what makes you happy. I'll continue to call the love strong, the sex great, and the marriage magical. It does feel sort of "unreal," actually.

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