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Freedom for 'flee'-dom: 'New York' looks at divorce equality
It's not as enjoyable to talk about, for obvious reasons. However, one important component of being able to enter into a legal marriage is the ability to exit from said marriage in the (hopefully unlikely) event that the need arises.
This week's New York magazine takes on the important topic of divorce equality:
SNIP: Divorce, one lawyer tells me, “provides a forum with rules and guidelines to keep people from giving in to their very worst impulses.” For gay couples, though, the Byzantine chaos of current law can yield grotesque results. The problems arise from two main sources: differences among the states in their laws concerning gay relationships, and differences between the states and the federal government, thanks to the Defense of Marriage Act, in their treatment of taxes, pensions, inheritance, and other transfers that may figure in settlements. You needn’t be a “marriage tourist”—one of the many couples who trekked from jurisdiction to jurisdiction to wed repeatedly as marriage became legal in each—to get caught in the flypaper.
FULL: From ‘‘I Do’’ to ‘‘I’m Done’’ [NY Mag]