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If you're going to DC to counter NOM's marriage march…
…you should be on guard for people who will try to provoke you into doing something dumb. Here is NOM's Communications Director, Thomas Peters, saying that he plans to take a page out of the Tea Party handbook and get his opposition on film, followed by host Al Kresta connecting the idea to his own work with the beyond incendiary Operation Rescue group:
[SOURCE: Kresta In The Afternoon, 2/22/13]
Of course they are going to try to "catch us" on video. After all, on March 26, 2012—a year, to the date, before NOM's planned marriage march—we all learned how fully NOM tries to "provoke the gay marriage base into responding" and to "[fan] the hostility raised in the wake of Prop 8." Why should we expect anything less?
Although considering the eye-opening slate of speakers and co-sponsors that NOM has booked so far (Family Research Council, Jennifer Roback Morse, Willie Owens, etc), I'm fairly confident in my own ability to get some good footage at their event. And yes, Thomas, I will be there with my camera as well.